Why I am an Atheist
I was born in a somehow religious family. However, my family never forced me to pray to Allah. While I went to my sister's house, her husband made his daughter and me pray for Allah. Although I was a child, I could not accept that a girl in an empty room had to cover herself while she is praying.
I was just a 9 years old girl while a shopkeeper in our neighborhood told my brother to make me put a scarf. Not knowing the philosophy behind veiling, wearing a scarf was boring for me. I hate a doctrine that asks a 9 years old girl to cover her hair because I couldn’t understand why I should differentiate between my hair and my finger and my nose. Why I had not had to cover my fingers but my hair?
While I was 14 years old, I took a book from our shelf. The book was about God. It didn’t try to prove Allah's existence. Its text was something like these sentences: Allah is great, Allah is all-powerful, and Allah can do everything he wishes. Allah knows about all sciences. He is omniscient. He is kind and so…
Although one of my favorite activities was reading books, I never had read a book about Allah or God. The first book that I chose disgusted me of Allah. After reading some pages, something sparked in my mind. I told myself these kinds of attributes that the writer assumed for Allah is raised from human incapability and whishes to overcome his weak points. By reading that book, I felt that human beings maybe need Allah to tranquilize the pain of their weakness. His weakness against natural disasters, against loss of loved one, against the fear of death and so.
I put aside the book. By such feeling that Allah is nothing except a picture that human-created in his dreams to sedate his pain, I never accept to pray Allah. However, I couldn’t disprove Allah while somebody asked me why I didn’t believe in him.
One day I read a book that its title was Islamic educations. I read in one of its pages that Imam Hassan, that Shiites believe that he is the second Mohammad successor, had 75 Nikah wives. I asked my sister what the meaning of Nikah was. She told me Nikah means marriage. I told myself how a capricious and lustful man had been an Imam who had been responsible to lead a nation. Fortunately, my brother was a religious man and he had many religious books including Nahjol Balagha, which is a collection of Imam Ali (the first successor of Mohammad) speeches. I read that book until I reached a sentence like this “ don’t consult with women, because their faith and their wisdom has defected. Their faith defects because they tolerate menstrual period once in a month and they can not pray Allah and their wisdom defects because the testimony of two of them is equal to the testimony of one man.” Really, I hated such Imam. I felt that I am belittled in an Islamic society. As a child, I asked myself why I should love a leader who had belittled me. Always I told myself I am living in an Islamic society that the press never says something wrong about Islam. If I lived in another country, I could find books against Islam. I needed to find books to confirm my presuppositions.
Today, I believe that lie has a quality that reveals itself somewhere. Then, there is no need to read a book to address directly their cruel activities, I can infer from Islamic books what is wrong and what is right.
In our high school, we had Islamic education. I remember that they told us Imam Hassan couldn’t fight with Moaviya who was one of Islam's enemies, because he couldn’t find enough followers to start a battle. Then they told us that Imam Hossein fought with Yazid the son of Moaviya only with 72 followers and most of them were his relatives. How is the quality of Islam that the great son of Mohammad, the prophet, cannot find enough followers to defend Islam after passing about 70 years of Islam advent?
After reading Imam Hassan terms and conditions in the contract that he had signed with Moaviya, I understood that while Imam Hassan worries had not been Islam, then Imam Hossein's worries had not been either. If you read the content of Moaviya and Imam Hassan's contract, then you will see that Islam had not any role in quitting war against Moaviya. Imam Hassan asks Moaviya 1- to give him the tax of Darab ( a city in the southern part of Iran).2- to quit cursing Imam Ali while he is on pulpit 3- the government would be transfer to Ali’s Family after Moaviya death. I think the content is more than what I mentioned, but I cannot remember all of them. Therefore, I assumed that Mohammad wars had been for goals such as this.
I was sure the reality is something that our teacher never told us or maybe they themselves didn’t know them. I was thirsty to find books about the real faces of Islamic figures.
I read Koran to see what was the message of Allah for human beings to make them prosperous in this world and hereafter. I found many absurdities in that holy book. I read in that holy book men can hit their wives if they disobey them.(34. Nisa) I read that Allah says to the prophet that there is not necessary to be equitable to his wives.” Took one of them you prefer and reject those whom you don’t like (53, Ahzab.) “ I read in that book that we should not love our parents if they are heathen. I read that Allah warriors can pick married women who captured in battles.( 24. Nisa). The absurdities of Koran were so much that I cannot gather all of them in this article. The historical and scientific errors of Koran disgusted me of Allah. Even with my poor Arabic knowledge, I realized that some of Koran sentences have grammatical errors. I saw that the first sentence of Koran is in the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful, but Allah through whole Koran does not show his mercifulness and compassion. He just orders to kill non-Muslims until they subdue to Islam or pay Islamic taxes or Jizya.
I read the Bible to see whether Christian’s god is better than Allah. However, I saw that Jesus Christ who is god embodiment on earth, curse a fig tree for not having fruit. As if, he is an insane person that cannot realize that a tree can give fruit just in certain conditions. I didn’t read old and new testament at that time. I still was not aware of the absurdities in these books. Later, I understood that Yahweh is as cruel as Allah is.
One of my high school friends gave me a 3-volume book about evolution. I saw that human scalp and skulls that are found in the different geological periods were different. Then I was assured that we couldn’t be a creature that a knowledgeable God has created us. Our biology teacher told us that among animals just monkeys every month have menses like human beings. She told us that monkeys’ chromosomes are 48 and I told myself it is not very unimaginable for a 48-chromosome creature to loose just a pair of the chromosome to be like human being who has 46 chromosomes. Why we are so much similar to monkeys? Why we are not similar to animals that for example have 18 pairs chromosome? Fortunately, I saw in our biology book that all animals’ fetus shape was somehow similar to each other. In our biology book, we read that Dr. Morgan could create nucleotide in the vacuumed condition in the laboratory. Nucleotides are phosphoric ester of a nucleoside, the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA). Morgan's experiment assured me that Allah or Yahweh is not the cause of creation.
One day I assumed God before the creation of the universe. Knowing that time and place are interdependent, I was wonder how a god can exist in a place that does not exist in a time that did not exist. In our solar system, 1 second means 1 on 86400 of the time that takes for the earth to revolve around its orbit. On another planet which is smaller or bigger than our earth, one second means something else. Then no place can exist before the start of time and vise versa. I mean that time and place coexist. Then the universe is a provenience phenomenon. Let’s imagine that when there was not any time and any places, there was a God. Where was this god? Can a god emerge from nothing? Before the existence of the universe, how god occupied himself? What was the use of his existence? Can existence be meaningful while there is not any place and at any time? How a God can be a creator when there is not any world to be its creator? How can a god provide sustenance for creatures while there is not any creature? Therefore, God cannot be nutritive or alimental. While there is not any world, there is not any science and mystery, so how god can be omniscient? When there is not any weakness, how a god can be all-powerful? For what purposes God had used his power before the creation of the world? How can God be compassionate when there is no creature to be kind to them? How can God be wise, when there aren’t any wrong or right matters? Then before the creation of the universe god was nothing. He attained all his attributes after the creation of the world. God can not emerge by nothing. Therefore, the universe is superior to God. Thinking in this way made me an atheist. Therefore because I believe that God before the creation of the universe has not any attribute, and then there is no doubt that human being conferred all these attributes upon Allah or Yahweh or Krishnan. Therefore, I can not believe in a God that cannot guide human being and he needs a prophet or a minister to accept this task and do something that he himself had not been able to do for thousands years. I cannot believe in a God that has sat in heaven and order us what to do and what not to do.
I was born in a somehow religious family. However, my family never forced me to pray to Allah. While I went to my sister's house, her husband made his daughter and me pray for Allah. Although I was a child, I could not accept that a girl in an empty room had to cover herself while she is praying.
I was just a 9 years old girl while a shopkeeper in our neighborhood told my brother to make me put a scarf. Not knowing the philosophy behind veiling, wearing a scarf was boring for me. I hate a doctrine that asks a 9 years old girl to cover her hair because I couldn’t understand why I should differentiate between my hair and my finger and my nose. Why I had not had to cover my fingers but my hair?
While I was 14 years old, I took a book from our shelf. The book was about God. It didn’t try to prove Allah's existence. Its text was something like these sentences: Allah is great, Allah is all-powerful, and Allah can do everything he wishes. Allah knows about all sciences. He is omniscient. He is kind and so…
Although one of my favorite activities was reading books, I never had read a book about Allah or God. The first book that I chose disgusted me of Allah. After reading some pages, something sparked in my mind. I told myself these kinds of attributes that the writer assumed for Allah is raised from human incapability and whishes to overcome his weak points. By reading that book, I felt that human beings maybe need Allah to tranquilize the pain of their weakness. His weakness against natural disasters, against loss of loved one, against the fear of death and so.
I put aside the book. By such feeling that Allah is nothing except a picture that human-created in his dreams to sedate his pain, I never accept to pray Allah. However, I couldn’t disprove Allah while somebody asked me why I didn’t believe in him.
One day I read a book that its title was Islamic educations. I read in one of its pages that Imam Hassan, that Shiites believe that he is the second Mohammad successor, had 75 Nikah wives. I asked my sister what the meaning of Nikah was. She told me Nikah means marriage. I told myself how a capricious and lustful man had been an Imam who had been responsible to lead a nation. Fortunately, my brother was a religious man and he had many religious books including Nahjol Balagha, which is a collection of Imam Ali (the first successor of Mohammad) speeches. I read that book until I reached a sentence like this “ don’t consult with women, because their faith and their wisdom has defected. Their faith defects because they tolerate menstrual period once in a month and they can not pray Allah and their wisdom defects because the testimony of two of them is equal to the testimony of one man.” Really, I hated such Imam. I felt that I am belittled in an Islamic society. As a child, I asked myself why I should love a leader who had belittled me. Always I told myself I am living in an Islamic society that the press never says something wrong about Islam. If I lived in another country, I could find books against Islam. I needed to find books to confirm my presuppositions.
Today, I believe that lie has a quality that reveals itself somewhere. Then, there is no need to read a book to address directly their cruel activities, I can infer from Islamic books what is wrong and what is right.
In our high school, we had Islamic education. I remember that they told us Imam Hassan couldn’t fight with Moaviya who was one of Islam's enemies, because he couldn’t find enough followers to start a battle. Then they told us that Imam Hossein fought with Yazid the son of Moaviya only with 72 followers and most of them were his relatives. How is the quality of Islam that the great son of Mohammad, the prophet, cannot find enough followers to defend Islam after passing about 70 years of Islam advent?
After reading Imam Hassan terms and conditions in the contract that he had signed with Moaviya, I understood that while Imam Hassan worries had not been Islam, then Imam Hossein's worries had not been either. If you read the content of Moaviya and Imam Hassan's contract, then you will see that Islam had not any role in quitting war against Moaviya. Imam Hassan asks Moaviya 1- to give him the tax of Darab ( a city in the southern part of Iran).2- to quit cursing Imam Ali while he is on pulpit 3- the government would be transfer to Ali’s Family after Moaviya death. I think the content is more than what I mentioned, but I cannot remember all of them. Therefore, I assumed that Mohammad wars had been for goals such as this.
I was sure the reality is something that our teacher never told us or maybe they themselves didn’t know them. I was thirsty to find books about the real faces of Islamic figures.
I read Koran to see what was the message of Allah for human beings to make them prosperous in this world and hereafter. I found many absurdities in that holy book. I read in that holy book men can hit their wives if they disobey them.(34. Nisa) I read that Allah says to the prophet that there is not necessary to be equitable to his wives.” Took one of them you prefer and reject those whom you don’t like (53, Ahzab.) “ I read in that book that we should not love our parents if they are heathen. I read that Allah warriors can pick married women who captured in battles.( 24. Nisa). The absurdities of Koran were so much that I cannot gather all of them in this article. The historical and scientific errors of Koran disgusted me of Allah. Even with my poor Arabic knowledge, I realized that some of Koran sentences have grammatical errors. I saw that the first sentence of Koran is in the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful, but Allah through whole Koran does not show his mercifulness and compassion. He just orders to kill non-Muslims until they subdue to Islam or pay Islamic taxes or Jizya.
I read the Bible to see whether Christian’s god is better than Allah. However, I saw that Jesus Christ who is god embodiment on earth, curse a fig tree for not having fruit. As if, he is an insane person that cannot realize that a tree can give fruit just in certain conditions. I didn’t read old and new testament at that time. I still was not aware of the absurdities in these books. Later, I understood that Yahweh is as cruel as Allah is.
One of my high school friends gave me a 3-volume book about evolution. I saw that human scalp and skulls that are found in the different geological periods were different. Then I was assured that we couldn’t be a creature that a knowledgeable God has created us. Our biology teacher told us that among animals just monkeys every month have menses like human beings. She told us that monkeys’ chromosomes are 48 and I told myself it is not very unimaginable for a 48-chromosome creature to loose just a pair of the chromosome to be like human being who has 46 chromosomes. Why we are so much similar to monkeys? Why we are not similar to animals that for example have 18 pairs chromosome? Fortunately, I saw in our biology book that all animals’ fetus shape was somehow similar to each other. In our biology book, we read that Dr. Morgan could create nucleotide in the vacuumed condition in the laboratory. Nucleotides are phosphoric ester of a nucleoside, the basic structural unit of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA). Morgan's experiment assured me that Allah or Yahweh is not the cause of creation.
One day I assumed God before the creation of the universe. Knowing that time and place are interdependent, I was wonder how a god can exist in a place that does not exist in a time that did not exist. In our solar system, 1 second means 1 on 86400 of the time that takes for the earth to revolve around its orbit. On another planet which is smaller or bigger than our earth, one second means something else. Then no place can exist before the start of time and vise versa. I mean that time and place coexist. Then the universe is a provenience phenomenon. Let’s imagine that when there was not any time and any places, there was a God. Where was this god? Can a god emerge from nothing? Before the existence of the universe, how god occupied himself? What was the use of his existence? Can existence be meaningful while there is not any place and at any time? How a God can be a creator when there is not any world to be its creator? How can a god provide sustenance for creatures while there is not any creature? Therefore, God cannot be nutritive or alimental. While there is not any world, there is not any science and mystery, so how god can be omniscient? When there is not any weakness, how a god can be all-powerful? For what purposes God had used his power before the creation of the world? How can God be compassionate when there is no creature to be kind to them? How can God be wise, when there aren’t any wrong or right matters? Then before the creation of the universe god was nothing. He attained all his attributes after the creation of the world. God can not emerge by nothing. Therefore, the universe is superior to God. Thinking in this way made me an atheist. Therefore because I believe that God before the creation of the universe has not any attribute, and then there is no doubt that human being conferred all these attributes upon Allah or Yahweh or Krishnan. Therefore, I can not believe in a God that cannot guide human being and he needs a prophet or a minister to accept this task and do something that he himself had not been able to do for thousands years. I cannot believe in a God that has sat in heaven and order us what to do and what not to do.
1 comment:
Ms. Parmis Saadi:
1. What a beautiful name you have!
2. You have another blog in persian, don't you update it anymore?
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