Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Gloomy story of Bahais in Iran

I read the autobiography of Anwar Sheikh, the Indian writer, and I motivated to write about the
Muslims attitude toward nonbelievers or other cults and religions.
An introduction to Anwar SheikhAnwar biography:
Anwar Shikh was born in 1928 in Gojerat of India. a city that is part of Pakistan now.Because his birthday was in the hajji month, they named him Hajji Mohammad, later he was named Anwar, because he was circumcised at birthday. (anwar means enlightened) His mother was both a religious woman and a scholar, so Anwar Sheikh grew up in a very religious family. He says, in his autobiography that he had killed 3 Sikh men to gain Allah's mercy and end up in heaven living with eternal virgins & hurries. He claims that he was raised in a religious family, and that he had read the Koran several times. Because he had read the Koran blindly, he had never grasped the contradictions in the Koran. He added that he had been a Muslim up until the age 25. One day when he had been reading the Koran, he recited a verse loudly. In that verse Allah says "when you are speaking with Mohammad, don't raise your voice before him." Something shook him in his mind: -- Is Allah Mohammad's servant? Why couldn't Mohammad utter these petty guidance to his followers himself? He started to recite the Koran again. However, he read it critically with an open mind this time. He immigrated to Britain and when he became a well-off man, he quit his occupation, and started to write .Today, in the Muslim world, he is presumed more dangerous than Salmon Rushdie. Somewhere in his autobiography, Anwar Sheikh says that, in India Muslims burned a man in a fireplace and fastened his corpse to a big motorcycle and pulled him on the ground, simply because he accidentally threw one of the pages of the Koran in fire. His autobiography motivated me to write about the Bahai faith in Shiraz. Muslims try to convince other religious followers that Islam is a religion of peace. They do indeed mis-represent and misinterpret the Koranic verses in order to deceive the populace, but truth will manifest itself. Many Koranic verses order the Muslims to kill the infidels or the people of the book until they subdue or give tribute. (We will not mention those verses here.)Bahaees faith in Shiraz:(Shiraz is a fairly large city in Southwest part of Iran and is the capital of the Fars province.) Before the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, some benighted fundamentalist went to the Bahais township in Shiraz and started harassing them. Sefat was a Bahai hunter. He was a very compassionate and patient man. Every night when he came home exhausted, he heard the voice of the Muslim hoodlums insulting him and his family. One of them told Sefat that he should give them his daughter. Sefat couldn't tolerate such insults. He took his gun and went atop the roof in his house and shot the Muslims who insulted the Bahais . Then after killing about 70, he committed suicide. The day after this incident, the hoodlums were named as martyrs of Islam. All Muslim men and women spit on the corps of this brave man who defended his family. Then they attacked all the Bahais they knew looting their house, their belongings and everything in their reach such as meat grinder, juicer, gas cylinders and etc., finally setting the house on fire. Some of the Bahais escaped that night. However, some of the old women and men have to remain in their houses, because they could not go anywhere or they did not have any acquaintances elsewhere in other cities.That morning, as a child, I was witness to the beastly behaviour of the Muslims toward the Bahais. I saw a man who made a loop by a rope, threw it around an old Bahai man, and dragged him on the ground. They took off another man's pants and ran him around the township. One of my Bahai friends told me that, when Muslims burnt down the Bahais' homes she had only been a little child. Her brother owned a van. They got on the van and wrapped a blanket on themselves, in order not to be recognized by the Muslims. They went to their aunt's house who was a Muslim woman. It was 12 pm. Nonetheless, the aunt did not permit them to enter her house. She told them that "I am afraid the Muslims might burn down my house because of you." It was a rainy night in winter. They wondered in the streets for 2 hours. Her brother told them he had a close friend nearby & that he would perhaps allow them to stay at his house.They went there hopelessly. The friend embraced her brother & invited them in his house, and told them that his home is like theirs. He added: "Help yourselves." He took care of them for two months .They did not have any funds to live on. After two months, they decided to leave that house and start a new life. The family, who were wealthy, has to live on working in Muslim houses now. They went to a place near their township. My friend told me that whenever Muslim women saw her mother in a queue or somewhere in the township, they insulted her and some times, they pulled her scarf and pulled her hair. She came back home with tears running down on her face. In another part of the story, my friend told me that, one of her relatives who had been a Major in the army had been accused of being one of those who helped Sefat on that incident. His name was Azamatollah Fahandezh. He never did so. He was a man of prestige, and every body loved him. After the Islamic revolution, Hezbollah (The Party of Allah) executed him just because some Muslim gave a false testimony that he had helped Sefat in killing Muslim insulters. He was executed for the crime he had never committed. These are sad stories of those who live in the Muslim countries and have a different faith.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

If I were a Muslim man
Have you ever thought why some Christians convert to Islam? Why dose Islam appeal to somebody? Is it the religion of peace while there are many verses in the Koran that order to kill nonbelievers and infidels? Is violence in Christianity more than Islam? Is Allah benevolent while in Koran order to amputate thieves’ hands to punish them for committing robbery? Are Muslim countries more developed and industrial than Christian countries?

I cannot deny that there are many people who convert to Islam. At least I have seen one of them with my own eyes. He has come from America to Iran to investigate about Islam. He knows Persian and Arabic very well.
In my country, apostasy will be punished with death. Although many people have disgusted Islam, they do not dare to reveal their true about Islam. However if some body converts to Islam, they will show off about him.
By the way, in ancient Mesopotamia men did not have the right of polygamy unless their wives were barren. However, in Islam men are entitled to marry at least four woman and as much as bondwomen that they can afford them. In Mohammad era, warriors could cohabit with bondmaids that they had captured in wars. This rule is not abrogated now, but the time of slavery is passed. However, Muslim men still enjoy having different wives.

I have a Christian friend that told me she would convert to Islam if she were a Muslim man. I asked her why would you convert to Islam if you were a Muslim man? She answered Muslim men can enjoy having 4 wives. Therefore, if I were a man I would tell Jesus “oh please forgive me for awhile. I want to convert to Islam to enjoy cohabiting with many women.” I will marry 4 wives and then when one of them is boring I will divorce her and again I will marry another woman. Then when I enjoyed fully, again I will convert to Christianity and will ask Jesus to forgive me.
Don’t you think that this is one of the reasons that Islam appeals to some Christians?

Monday, 20 April 2009

Dose Allah fulfill your prayer

In Iran there are many unknown shrines that Shiite cult of Muslims ascribe them to descendants of Mohammad. Whereas Muslims invaded Iran in Sasanid era, maybe some of these shrines belong to Mohammad offspring (If he had any at all).Shiites like ancient times that people gave gift to gods, go to these shrines and cook some foods and distribute it among themselves with the hope that Allah will fulfill their prayer. They believe that descendants of Mohammad had been innocent, so if they ask the souls of these descendants of Mohammad to plead Allah on behalf of them, Allah will fulfill their prayer sooner.

In view of Shiites, Allah needs a broker or a mediator to hear his creatures plead for help. Is Allah still an omniscient, all-powerful, benevolent, and consistent if he fulfills our prayer by means of a mediator or without interference of any humankind?

If Allah fulfills our prayer, then our will is superior to his will. Allah forgets his will and accepts our wills. In other word, we can impose our demand on God. Allah like a servant obeys our commands. The difference is that we don’t order harshly, but by pleading and crying and asking a broker to speak on behalf of us.

Is Allah omniscient while he knows what I need, but he destines me to something else? Should we tell Allah what he has predetermined was false? Dose it mean that Allah some times do some mistake in his decision if he changes his mind and cure my disease after I pray for him? I think Allah is ambivalent while he changes his mind for pleading of a human. The system of cause and effect will be meaningless if saying prayer to Allah causes any event. We grease God’s palms, and then god changes his mind and a patient with an incurable illness become healthy. We cannot rely on any scientific research, because there is the possibility of a change in God’s opinion. Is Allah full of complex that his servants should plead him to change his mind, while he knows everything about us? How can Allah be an omniscient while he changes his mind? How can he be consistent while pleading affects him? How can he be a benevolent while he predetermines something for us that are not suitable for us? Do we realize our situation better than he dose?

Mohammad had a blind comrade. Ali’s brother was blind also. If God listen to innocent pleading, better than common people, then why Allah didn’t cure these buddies of Mohammad. Why Shiites expect that Allah by help of a mediator will listen to them, while these innocent couldn’t do any thing for their relatives? While these innocents were alive couldn’t do anything for their dear ones. Then how their soul can plead for people who they don’t have any feeling toward them?

If Allah fulfills our demand by saying prayer, then he cannot be omniscient, benevolent, all-powerful, and consistent. This God doesn’t deserve worship.